
Hit by an uninsured driver?

Fully Comp, but no courtesy car?

Top class service - fast, friendly and free. They do what your insurers should do but don't.

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12 Reasons we are better than your insurer

We claim off the other insurer, so you don’t lose out- no policy excess, no effect on your NCB

Reason 1

We are faster & more efficient at winning claims. If you have dashcam, accident photos, witnesses etc, we will collect these from you & make our own assessment. If we have good evidence, we can establish liability in a few hours

Reason 2

We supply suitably plated courtesy cars to your door. Most insurers do not supply one at all. All our vehicles are properly insured. s

Reason 3

If your insurer is arranging repairs, but no courtesy car, we will liaise with the repair garage & supply a car whilst yours is off the road. The cost is recovered from the other insurer.

Reason 4

Even if you only have third party cover, we still supply a free courtesy car, arrange repairs etc, and recover the costs from the other insurer. Your own insurance company will not help at all

Reason 5

We safe guard the future value of your car by arranging repairs with dealer approved repairers, only using genuine parts. Insurers use their own network, who use both non genuine & “green” (meaning second hand) parts.

Reason 6

Thinking of claiming directly off the other insurer- save your time & money. Odds are, they will mess you about. Every week we get calls from people who have spent weeks & even months, calling the other insurer- we sort it out straight away.

Reason 7

We can supply all types of courtesy vehicles – taxis, private hire, uber approved. Also minibuses & prestige hire cars.

Reason 8

Once we have established liability, you can inform your insurer it is sorted. In comparison, insurers will class your claim as ‘open’ until they have been fully paid out, which might take a year. this has a dramatic. This has a dramatic effect on your renewal premium, if renewal occurs before this.

Reason 9

If you are insured with the same company as the other driver, it makes no difference to us- we are working for you. Your insurer will often treat your claim as being a third party one- you will get messed about.

Reason 10

Most Insurers will only supply a courtesy car, if yours is repairable- leaving you stranded, if it’s a write-off. We will supply a courtesy car until you have been paid out, plus a week, to enable you to go out & buy a new one.

Reason 11

Our Claim line is open 7 days a week; calls are answered by UK staff, within 60 seconds- compare that to the time you hang on the phone, with your insurers!

Reason 12

Pay no Excess or Fee

Free Courtesy Car

If you are fully Comp, & were hit by an uninsured motorist, and your insurer will not supply a courtesy car; we will, whilst your insurer fixes your car.

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Free Like for Like Courtesy Car

We Claim through the MIB for you!

We will file your claim with the MIB, & handle all their paperwork. We arrange a courtesy car; if not covered by your own insurance.

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Injury & uninsured Losses claims

Injury & uninsured Losses claims

We can claim through the MIB, for any injuries & lost earnings.You will need to get a Crime Reference Number, to claim for anything through the MIB.

EasiGo Accident Management offers a free service for all non fault claims

For over 10 years, we have been officially Government registered & helped tens of thousands of motorists. Even if you are uninsured, EasiGo will recover vehicle repair (or pre-accident value) costs, plus compensation for injury, and any lost earnings; if you were involved in an accident that was not your fault. The same applies if you have no MOT, road tax, or even a driving licence! Even though, legally speaking, you should not have been driving an uninsured vehicle, we will still recover all repair costs & get you full injury compensation. We can however, only help where there is an injury claim involved.