12 Reasons we are better than your insurer

Free Courtesy Car
If you are fully Comp, & were hit by an uninsured motorist, and your insurer will not supply a courtesy car; we will, whilst your insurer fixes your car.
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We Claim through the MIB for you!
We will file your claim with the MIB, & handle all their paperwork. We arrange a courtesy car; if not covered by your own insurance.
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Injury & uninsured Losses claims
We can claim through the MIB, for any injuries & lost earnings.You will need to get a Crime Reference Number, to claim for anything through the MIB.
EasiGo Accident Management offers a free service for all non fault claims
For over 10 years, we have been officially Government registered & helped tens of thousands of motorists. Even if you are uninsured, EasiGo will recover vehicle repair (or pre-accident value) costs, plus compensation for injury, and any lost earnings; if you were involved in an accident that was not your fault. The same applies if you have no MOT, road tax, or even a driving licence! Even though, legally speaking, you should not have been driving an uninsured vehicle, we will still recover all repair costs & get you full injury compensation. We can however, only help where there is an injury claim involved.